Adoption Fees - Dogs: $300 | Puppies: $325 | Cats: $150

May 2023

  /  2023 (Page 4)

Ramsey was found on the side of the road in Tyrell County. He has been adopted by Camille of Cary. Also pictured are 2 of her many grandchildren who were visiting that day: Ellie and James.

Leann was found as a stray and ended up at Orange County Shelter where she began showing signs of Parvo. BFPA rushed her to the ER and after several days she finally recovered enough to go to her foster home.

Stella (on the left) was originally purchased by a lady that didn't get approval from her landlord and wouldn't let her keep the puppy. She now makes her home in Angier with Tim & Kathy and their other dog, Pepper.

Our British Soccer Puppies (Apollo, Ashton, Branford, Chelsea, Manchester, and Mossley) came from Tyrrell County after a BFPA volunteer was alerted to some puppies living under an abandoned trailer. Manchester, now called Chester, calls Chapel Hill home with Patrick, Sreeja,

Our British Soccer Puppies (Apollo, Ashton, Branford, Chelsea, Manchester, and Mossley) came from Tyrrell County after a BFPA volunteer was alerted to some puppies living under an abandoned trailer. Apollo now lives in Cary with (l-to-r): Jack, Lauren, David (in

Alfie, on the left, was an owner surrender to Wake County shelter. Sadly, due to his health issues the owner requested euthanasia. The vet team did not think this little guy's time was up yet and he was listed for

Our British Soccer Puppies (Apollo, Ashton, Branford, Chelsea, Manchester, and Mossley) came from Tyrrell County after a BFPA volunteer was alerted to some puppies living under an abandoned trailer. Chelsea, renamed Basil, lives in Wake Forest with Jackie and Eric.

Jace and Joy were living outside in deplorable conditions in Lee County before their owner finally agreed to surrender them. Joy, atop the wall, renamed Basil (yes, that's right!), now lives in Apex with Stefan and Christy and their other

Parsley is one of an entire family surrendered to the Montgomery shelter: Anise (mom) and her seven 3-week old puppies (Chili, Chive, Nutmeg, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme). Now named Gose (after a German beer), she has been adopted by Ryleigh

Betty White was pulled from Wake County shelter after she was found with Archer and never reclaimed. BFPA agreed to take them as their hold date was up. "Betty" for short, this gorgeous girl now lives in Wake Forest with